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Rebuilding A Regenerative And Equitable Food System

Each day, our work at 4P Foods gets us closer to the kind of food system farmers thrive in, soil is regeneratively cared for, animals are treated humanely, and all communities have equitable access to healthy food. 

Our Sourcing Standards

4P Foods sources fresh, high-quality, delicious food, prioritizing local and regional partners. We cultivate a network of growers and producers who engage in labor practices that enable people and communities to thrive, and in growing practices that actively build the soil and promote biodiversity. We source Good Food in service of creating a better food system that is equitable and regenerative, and in which all living beings are treated with respect and dignity. 

4P Foods delivers food from small and mid-sized family farmers and artisans

We help our local and regional farmers thrive by providing access to new markets, customers, and communities and work to ensure  all people get equitable access to the food they need.

Shop for home delivery or contact us about wholesale offerings.

Every 4P Foods delivery supports a sustainable farm-to-table model that connects:
  • Local farmers
  • the environment
  • the economy
  • the community
  • you and your family
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We believe in a world where Good Food is the norm—not the exception.


At 4P Foods, Good Food is defined as food that:

  1. Provides nourishment and enables people and communities to be their best self.
  2. Is equitably accessible to everyone in our region, regardless of income, race, or zip code.
  3. Is produced in a manner that is sustainable and regenerative for our environment.
  4. Comes from a supply chain in which every being is treated with respect and dignity.
  5. Improves health outcomes and economic security for all.
Virginia Growers and Farmers
Underserved Communities


Through strategic partnerships with food access and community organizations, 4P Foods is building a better food system that enables all people, regardless of income or ZIP code, to have equitable access to healthy foods.

Small Farmers & Artisans


4P Foods supports the agricultural economy and empowers a network of more than 200+ local family farms to grow and thrive by connecting their fresh, high quality food to households, communities, and businesses.

Our Environment


4P Foods partners with farmers who are committed to low-impact, sustainable and regenerative methods of food production.

Our trusted supply chain, focus on local food, and reusable delivery bags means a lower food carbon footprint for your home or business.

Purpose-fueled food for the prosperity of our planet and people.

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We Support Local Farmers


We work with 200+ independent, family farmers in Washington, D.C., Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, and the Eastern Seaboard and Mid-Atlantic

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We Serve the Underserved


We deliver 7,500 pounds of food every month to underserved communities in Washington, D.C. to help get the food they need through six community partners

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We Pay Fair Prices


At 4P Foods, 60¢ of every dollar goes to the farmer vs. the conventional, which only pays out 14.5¢ of every dollar to farmers.

"The businesses of today create the world of tomorrow. They have the ability - and responsibility - to  drive real, lasting, positive social change."

Tom McDougall, CEO & Founder


Meet Our Community Partners


4P Foods is proud to work with many incredible organizations to help increase food access in the communities we serve.

4P Foods provides healthy fresh food from our farmers and provides delivery logistics for community partners in parts of Virginia, Maryland, and Washington, D.C.

Learn more about our partners who work hard every day to advocate for community health and equitable access to food.

Learn More

Meet Our Farming + Markers Community