Farmer D
Culpeper, VA

At the age of 10, Don Haight Jr. created his own small garden with a grubbing hoe. He grew tomatoes, squash, and cucumbers, and as he got older, expanded his gardening skills to include potatoes, string beans, peppers, cantaloupes, and more. During Don’s early teenage years, he even set up a roadside stand at the end of his grandmother's driveway to sell produce. Whenever he sold out, he would visit his uncle's garden next door and gather some of his produce to sell as well. Don’s uncle Jack always had the best garden, and gardening became a shared passion among his family and neighbors.
Don finds great joy in watching things grow, whether it's produce or flowers. His passion for gardening led him to plant a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. His focus gradually shifted towards organic gardening as he learned and practiced different organic techniques. In this journey, he discovered a holistic system in which plants, soil, and animals work together to benefit one another.
Don is particularly passionate about growing black garlic. He finds great joy in growing this unique vegetable due to its numerous health benefits. Black garlic is known for its powerful antioxidants, which help fight off free radicals in the body and support overall well-being. It is also believed to boost the immune system, reduce cholesterol levels, and even have potential anti-inflammatory properties. Don loves the process of nurturing and tending to his black garlic plants, knowing that the end result will not only be delicious but also provide a multitude of health benefits.