Riverside Produce Farm
King William, VA

Luke and Stacey Hallman recently moved to Virginia from southern Maryland, where they had farmed for seven years. They’ve purchased 22 acres outside of Richmond and are building their farm from the ground up. They currently have eight acres in production, with plans to expand to 13-15 acres of vegetable production and six acres of orchards (peaches and pears).
They follow low-spray practices, using natural and organic inputs as much as possible, and keep bees on their land to help with pollination and to develop healthy fruits. Luke holds a B.S. in horticulture from Penn State, which has come in handy as he grows his vegetable production and refines his growing methods.
In July 2016, Riverside delivered 7,200 POUNDS OF WATERMELON to Local Food Hub in one delivery!
Riverside Produce Farm is a Local Food Hub partner farm. We are proud to partner with Local Food Hub to connect small family farmers in Virginia to 4P FOODS customers.
Profile and photo courtesy of Local Food Hub.