Singing Earth Produce
Waynesboro, VA

Beginning with spinach and spring onions, and ending with thousands of pounds of winter squash, potatoes, and storage onions, the growing year at Singing Earth Produce includes every type of vegetable in top quality and bountiful quantity. Jose and Adolfo Calixto are a father-and-son team that has been living and farming 20 acres outside of Waynesboro for the past 12 years.
More recently, they began leasing an additional 30 acres outside of Harrisonburg for sprawling crops like melons and gourds. While they stay incredibly busy and produce an astonishing amount of food (imagine 3,435 pounds of watermelon, harvested and loaded into bins in their truck by hand, plus 1,730 pounds of tomatoes…and that was just one delivery!) the Calixtos are always interested in learning about new crops and market opportunities – and willing to gently correct our Spanish vegetable vocabulary.
In the summer of 2016, Singing Earth Produce pursued GAP (Good Agricultural Practices) Certification, an industry-recognized standard in food safety and among the highest credentials. Local Food Hub helps partner farms achieve GAP by explaining the certification process, helping with paperwork and making changes on the farm to become compliant with the regulations, and conducting mock audits. As expected, the Calixtos passed with flying colors!
Singing Earth Produce is a Local Food Hub partner farm. We are proud to partner with Local Food Hub to connect small family farmers in Virginia to 4P FOODS customers.
Profile courtesy of Local Food Hub.