Three Springs Farm
Madison, VA

Three Springs Farm was founded in 2017. Owners Evan and Karen Boone made the decision to start farming after Evan's time in the U.S. Air Force. The Boones wanted to settle somewhere they could fulfill their dream of owning a farm and raising food responsibly for both their family as well as their community. That is what brought them to Madison, Virginia where their dream has grown from 5 acres to over 23 acres...and still growing!
Evan and Karen currently raise grass-fed beef, non-GMO fed lamb, and pasture-raised non-GMO Berkshire pork. They use high-density rotational grazing and other regenerative farming practices to build soil health, promote biodiversity, and provide a quality product.
“Our goal with our livestock has always been how we can use them to build our soil, reclaim and restore land while still allowing them to express their natural instinct. All of our livestock are managed in a way that helps us work with land and animals, not fight against it. By mimicking nature's natural systems and maintaining healthy cycles of nature we are able to restore the land in a better way. We are not always perfect at this, but we strive as a farm to get better at it everyday,” says Evan.
At Three Springs Farm, they believe that the quality of their food is directly related to the quality of care for their animals. Their mantra is “Let us feed you like family”, and we’re excited to partner with them to help you feed yours.