Willie Mae Farms
York County, VA

Mike Combs grew up in York County and picked up farming from his grandfather, who always had a huge garden. He started farming officially in 2010 when he started Willie Mae Farms, named after his late grandmother. Mike also works full time for NRCS, a division of the USDA. Mike graduated from VSU in 2005 and studied Agricultural Business and Economics. He gets occasional help at planting and harvest time but otherwise his 10 acres of collards and sweet potatoes is all done by him, with his Mom, Dad, and Aunts helping with packing on harvest days! He sells direct to customers, wholesales to 4P Foods, and has recently partnered with the Black Church Food Security Network.
Willie Mae Farms is a Local Food Hub partner farm. We are proud to partner with Local Food Hub to connect small family farmers in Virginia to 4P customers.
Profile and below photo courtesy of Local Food Hub. Cover photo courtesy of Willie Mae Farms.