Excited to Announce New Virginia Warehouse and Wholesale Distribution
June 18, 2019 by 4P Foods
4P Foods and Local Food Hub were both founded to better the local food system— to create an even better, more robust system for getting food from our region’s small family farms to market, as well as to consumers who might not otherwise enjoy access to healthy, local food. This new partnership marries Local Food Hub’s strengths in farmer relationships and product knowledge with 4P Foods’ strengths in logistics, market development, and sales.
To truly impact the way we feed ourselves in this country, we must continually innovate ways to get good food from family farms to market in a more efficient, scalable, cost-effective way. Unique coalitions of nonprofit organizations, for-profit companies, investors and foundations are coming together to break down the barriers to making good food available to everyone. This is one example of that!
We see this partnership as an important step in accomplishing our mission— and one giant step closer to building a better food system for all. As always, thanks for your continued support! Together with the dedication of each and every member, community partner, family farmer, and local artisan, we are building a better, more equitable food system for all.
*To learn more about Local Food Hub, visit their website.
*Questions? Contactus at community@4pfoods.com.