Community Events
Good Food And Home-Grown Fun

Virtual Tour With Together We Bake
Past Virtual Event
Alexandria, VA
Join our Virtual Tour of one of our favorite local bakeries, Together We Bake! Together We Bake, is regularly featured in our shop for their delicious snacks, like apple crisps, granola, and trail mix, but did you know that this woman-owned business is also a full workforce training program and non-profit?
The company’s mission is to provide a comprehensive workforce training and personal development program to help women gain self-confidence, transferable workforce skills, which will allow them to find sustainable employment and move toward self-sufficiency. Participate in this virtual event co-hosted with Together We Bake's Kitchen/Program Manager, Colida Johnson and learn more. 4P Foods, Founder/CEO joins this event in our ongoing spring series 4P Virtual Tours. Bring your questions and munch on tasty granola snack packs from this week's delivery!