Roast Pasture-raised Duck with Citrus Sauce Dinner Recipe

4P Foods Team Member

Roast Pasture-raised Duck with Citrus Sauce Dinner Recipe image

The 4P Foods team wants to help you turn in season produce handpicked by farmers in Virginia, Maryland, Washington, D.C., the Eastern Seaboard, and Mid-Atlantic into delicious, homemade meals. Romaine calm; we have flavorful dishes to add to your weekly menu and seasonal ingredients to add to your 4P Foods grocery delivery tote.

Don’t wing your roast duck recipe; use this one instead. This roast pasture-raised duck with citrus sauce is decadent and perfect for a holiday gathering. Your party or dinner guests will be extremely impressed with this winter themed meal that is both bright and filling. One roast duck will serve 4 to 6 people depending on the size of the duck.

Here is how to make this recipe with purpose-fueled food that’s better for the prosperity of our planet and people.


  • 1 4-6lbs. pasture-raised duck
  • ½ cup satsuma mandarin orange juice
  • 1 satsuma mandarin orange, sliced
  • 1 shallot, chopped
  • 1 tbsp. mustard
  • 1 ½ tbsp soy sauce
  • ½ cup white wine
  • Salt and pepper to taste


Preheat the oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.

Pat the whole pasture-raised duck dry inside and out. Then, using a fork, poke holes in the skin of the duck.

Whisk together the mustard and soy sauce, then brush that mixture all over the duck. Salt and pepper the duck to taste.

Place the duck breast side down on the rack inside the roasting pan, so that it will roast above the drippings. Roast until the skin is browned.

In the roasting pan, turn the duck breast side up and continue roasting until browned on the breast side. The internal temperature of the duck should be 165 degrees Fahrenheit.

While your duck is roasting, combine the shallot, wine and satsuma juice in a saucepan. Allow that to simmer over medium heat until liquid is reduced by half.

Once reduced, add the satsuma slices to the saucepan. Simmer for five minutes.

Carve duck and serve with citrus sauce on top.